2025 Region 6 Daylily Popularity Poll Ballot

Note: This is a Region 6 Popularity Poll and is not affiliated with the American Daylily Society
Since this is strictly a Region 6 Popularity Poll, everyone in Region 6 may vote.
You do not have to be a member of the American Daylily Society.

Voting Deadline - September 30

Instructions for Online Voting

Ballot Instructions:
  • Read the following directions, then click on this link to open the online Popularity Poll Ballot
  • Fill out the ballot member information
  • Mark your choices with a check mark in the boxes provided
  • Vote for up to, but no more than ten (10) cultivars
  • Note: A valid ballot may consist of only one vote.
  • For Dual Memberships, the second member should use another ballot. Each member votes!
  • Select your favorite registered cultivars which you have observed in your garden or garden visits.
  • At the bottom of the ballot, click on the Submit button

If you have questions, contact the Region 6 Tabulator, Tim Closs, at b-cfarm@att.net

Webmaster: Ray Houston
Revised: 10/01/2024
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