AHS Region 6 Display Garden

Edna Lankart Memorial Garden
Tyler Rose Garden, 420 S. Rose Park Dr., Tyler, TX

In 1987, East Texas residents Edna Lankart and Louis Squyres planted daylily beds within the nationally-known Tyler Rose Garden, located at 420 S. Rose Park Dr., Tyler, TX. In the spring of 1991, the East Texas Daylily Society (ETDS) renovated the beds and established the Edna Lankart Memorial Garden. It became an AHS Display Garden in mid-2001. ETDS members maintain these beds and periodically replace older cultivars with newer ones. The original Edna Lankart Trophy (for best unregistered seedling shown in a Region 6 Meeting Awards Bed) is on display in the Rose Garden Center - near the office.

The Edna Lankart Memorial Garden consists of two beds which house various daylily sizes, forms, colors, and patterns from numerous hybridizers. There are over 80 cultivars (75% registered after 2000) in the large bed and 30 in the small bed (67% post-2000). The majority of these plants bloom around mid-season - i.e. mid-May through mid-June.

The Edna Lankart Memorial Garden beds are located about 100' south-southeast of the Rose Garden's Museum/Gift Shop. The easiest access is via the driveway and small parking lot south of the Rose Garden's Museum/Gift Shop.

The East Texas Daylily Society disbanded 12/31/2022. Therefore their Display Garden at the Tyler Rose Garden is no longer an AHS Display Garden.

Webmaster: Ray Houston
Revised: 01/21/2024
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